I read a couple of really interesting articles lately on the
Smithsonian Magazine website. They've got some great reading so if you have a chance I highly recommend it. If you're stuck in an office all day and need to look busy on the computer, you have nothing to lose.
The first article I illustrated was about development in western Wyoming threatening to block a long and narrow path that pronghorn antelopes use during their migration.
The land through which they travel is being carved up by natural oil and gas developers.
The pronghorn antelope is an incredible animal. Here are some interesting facts:
-They are arguably the world's fastest land animals, their competition being the cheetah. Although the cheetah could probably beat the antelope in a short race, the antelope could outrun the cheetah in a long-distance race.
-Pronghorn antelopes don't jump. Not that they can't, they just won't.
-Their eyesight is so good they can sense movement three to four miles away.
The second story I read was about the inside world of Muay Thai boxing, a style of boxing that originated in Thailand (it is their national sport) and is growing in popularity worldwide.
It is referred to as the "Science of Eight Limbs" and I wanted to portray that in a fighter. The fighters in Bangkok often come from poor families and start their careers at young ages. Their parents leave their children at a Muay Thai boxing club and the training and accommodations are provided and paid for when their child begins to fight in competitions - splitting half his prize money with his boxing club.

I wanted to portray the poverty associated with the story, so the background includes some Bangkok slums and a market amidst a smoggy, pink and polluted sky lined with skyscrapers in the distance.