Heaven is a Playground
Here are a couple sketches of the basketball court, St.Luke's, near my apartment.
I've just finished reading a few books on streetball including City Game (Pete Axthelm), Last Shot (Darcy Frey) and Heaven is a Playground (Rick Telander).
They were all fantastic books and I especially liked Heaven is a Playground. The author spends a summer watching and playing basketball with players in Foster Park, Brooklyn.
It's not so bad sitting outside, watching basketball and sketching. When I'm done my drawing, I usually get in a good hour of practice.
I've just finished reading a few books on streetball including City Game (Pete Axthelm), Last Shot (Darcy Frey) and Heaven is a Playground (Rick Telander).

The court is situated behind a restaurant that specializes in chicken wings, so when I'm shooting jumpers I breathe fried chicken.