I've had a two year struggle with pigeons ever since I moved to my apartment with a balcony.
Looking back on two years of pigeon proofing, I have come to the conclusion that I have only been dealing with one pair of very determined pigeons rather than numerous individuals.
If that is the case, then these two pigeons have been the ones building nests, laying eggs, and leaving behind other nasty things.
I have tried almost every method imaginable aside from buying a slingshot, and still they persist. Last summer Chantal planted marigolds and that, coupled with the pigeon spikes along the railing, seemed to do the trick.
Being gone for two weeks this summer seems to have erased all the hard work I put in trying to scare them away. There were droppings everywhere and a nest being constructed.

I'm moving next week, so I guess after that they can have their balcony back. I've really just been sharing it with those two stubborn pigeons.This painting was accepted into the upcoming publication by
Project Polar with the theme "what do you love to hate?" For me the answer was pretty obvious.