NBA Friday: Richard Jefferson
I decided to place him in a swamp, since the arena the Nets play in is often referred to as "The Swamp." I've also wanted to paint a swamp or marshland for a while and this gave me the perfect excuse.

I enjoyed working on this painting, building up the colors and textures of the trees, painting the birds and painting the reflections in the water. I also love using that bright green color which works really well in a swamp painting.
[Note: I was first introduced to that color, Holbein Permanent Green No. 1, by Tom Lynch, who taught a watercolor workshop in Ottawa a few years ago. Tom is a great watercolorist who hosted a painting show on PBS years ago and has published some helpful watercolor books. I brought him a Frosty from Wendy's and I quickly became his favorite student.]
Richard Jefferson has had a great season, although the Nets haven't fared too well. The team is in the midst of a rebuilding stage and just traded their key player, Jason Kidd. New Jersey fans will have to enjoy their team while they can, as the Nets are planning to relocate to Brooklyn as early as the 2010 season.
This piece is painted on Arches 90lb cold press watercolor paper. I used ink, watercolors, oil pastels, gouache and pencil crayon. You can see this piece larger on the Portraiture page and on SLAMonline in the Links by Lang Whitaker.