I was recently contacted to paint a spot illustration for a
Las Vegas City Life story about cheating politicians. I sent in a couple of sketches and the art director liked them so much that she wanted one of the sketches to be used for the cover, the other for the spot. This news made my day since I especially love painting covers.

I decided to try a different technical approach to these illustrations. I inked the drawings first on very smooth Bristol paper (above) and then traced the inked drawing onto watercolor paper using a light box. This was no easy task, as I had to ensure that the areas I painted lined up perfectly with the ink drawings. I had to be very careful to color within the lines.

After I finished the paintings I scanned them and the ink drawings and combined them in Photoshop. It was tricky to register the color layers within the ink layers, but with a bit of patience it worked out.
I love how the cover was designed around my illustration. Thanks to Maureen for a great assignment.